Rainshower SmartActive 310 Cube Tuš sistem sa termostatom za zidnu instalaciju

Product Number
cool sunrise

Superior style meets premium performance – the GROHE Rainshower SmartActive 310 Cube shower system in stylish Cool Sunrise

This is an upgrade that takes your shower to a whole new level. Stylish and packed with smart and sustainable features, the GROHE Rainshower 310 SmartActive Cube shower system in a chic Cool Sunrise colour coating offers cutting-edge technology and eye-catching style. The 310x310mm head shower comes with a 180° swivel arm and is perfect for our soft and enveloping GROHE PureRain spray. The 130x130mm hand shower has three great sprays – pulsating GROHE ActiveMassage spray, which delivers a whole new level of massage power, powerful Jet spray and soothing Rain spray – which can be selected with just a fingertip using the innovative GROHE SmartTip controller. Both head and hand shower have GROHE Water Saving flow limiter, which reduces consumption to eco-friendly 9.5 l/min but still delivers pure indulgence. And thanks to the GROHE DreamSpray, the flow from every nozzle is perfectly balanced for maximum satisfaction, while the SpeedClean anti-lime nozzles are extra easy to clean. Safety and comfort are guaranteed too. The GROHE TurboStat cartridge delivers a constant water temperature throughout your shower, GROHE SafeStop lets you set a maximum temperature of 38˚C and SafeStop Plus offers a further optional limit of 43˚ C. GROHE CoolTouch means the thermostat body will never be too hot to touch. The easy-care and durable GROHE Long-Life finish uses physical vapour deposition (PVD) for an extra level of scratch-resistance. And the GROHE FastFixation system makes fitting easy as the upper bracket can be adjusted so you can reuse existing drilling holes. The GROHE Rainshower SmartActive 310 Cube shower system – luxury and contemporary bathroom style!

  • sastoji se od:
  • horizontalna zaokretna drška za nadglavni tuš 450 mm
  • spoljni termostat sa Aquadimmer funkcijom
  • omogućava promenu između:
  • head shower Rainshower Mono 310 Cube
  • s kuglastim zglobom
  • ugao rotacije ± 15°
  • hand shower Rainshower SmartActive 130 Cube
  • podesiv po visini uz pomoć klizača
  • including performance grip
  • Silverflex shower hose 1750 mm
  • GROHE Water Saving 9.5 l/min flow limiter
  • GROHE TurboStat kompaktni mešač sa voskiranim termoelementom
  • GROHE SafeStop na 38°C
  • GROHE SafeStop Plus optional temperature limiter at 43°C included
  • GROHE CoolTouch bez rizika od opeklina
  • GROHE DreamSpray savršen mlaz iz tuša
  • GROHE One-Click Showering odabir mlaza jednim pritiskom
  • GROHE Long-Life premaz
  • GROHE FastFixation upper bracket adjustable
  • SpeedClean sistem protiv kamenca
  • prikladno za protočne bojlere od 18 kW/h
  • minimalna brzina protoka 7 l/min.
  • DR-mesing
Pos.-nr. Prod. description Order-nr.
Optional accessories
1 shut-off handle aquadimmer 47804GL0
2 Stop 47723000
3 Aquadimmer 47364000
4 Protok vode 47887000
5 temperature control handle 47811GL0
6 Prsten armature 47743000
7 Termostatski kompaktni mešač 1/2" 47439000
8 non-return valves 47189GL0
8.1 Filter za nečistoće 0726400M
8.2 Nepovratni ventil 08565000
8.3 O-prsten ø17 x ø2 0305500M
9 s-union 47824GL0
10 Nepovratni ventil 08565000
11 Klizač za tuša 48424GL0
12 Filter za nečistoću 0700200M
13 Dihtung od fiber vlakna poluprečnika Ø18,5 x Ø12 x 2 0138900M
14 Filter za nečistoću 48007000
16 Gedor ključ 19332000*
17 GROHE TurboStat cartridge 1/2" 47175000*
18 Specijalni ključ 19377000*