GROHE Blue Home C-spout starter kit with pull-out mousseur

Product Number
velvet black

GROHE Blue Home Duo – the connected kitchen tap that gives filtered, chilled drinking water in an instant

  • sastoji se od:
  • GROHE Blue Home single-lever sink mixer with filter function
  • instalacija na 1 otvor
  • Izliv u obliku slova C
  • push buttons for 3 types of filtered and chilled table water
  • negazirana, srednje gazirana, jako gazirana voda
  • GROHE Long-Life premaz
  • GROHE SilkMove keramički mešač 28 mm
  • perlator na izvlačenje
  • cevasta izlivna cev
  • područje rotacije 360°
  • odvojene unutrašnje cevi za filtriranu i vodovodnu vodu
  • fleksibilna spojna creva
  • GROHE Blue Home cooler
  • delivers 3 liters of chilled sparkling water per hour
  • jedinica za hlađenje 180 W, 230 V, 50 Hz
  • sound level in standby 44 dB(A)
  • tip zaštite IP 21
  • CE odobrenje
  • requires ventilation holes in the bottom of the kitchen cabinet
  • software set-up and monitoring of filter and CO₂ capacity possible via GROHE Watersystems app
  • push notifications at low filter resp. CO₂ capacity
  • with Bluetooth 4.0* and Wi-Fi interface for wireless data communication
  • for Apple** and Android devices
  • Bluetooth raspon (10 m) zavisi od materijala i debljini zidova između odašiljača i prijemnika
  • GROHE Blue filter S-Size and filter head with flexible water hardness adjustment for regions with water hardness of more than 9° dKH
  • for regions with water hardness below 9° dKH please order activated carbon filter 40 547 001
  • compatible with GROHE Blue filter S-Size, M-Size, GROHE Blue activated carbon filter, GROHE Blue Ultrasafe filter and GROHE Blue magnesium+ filter
  • GROHE Blue 425 g CO₂ bottle
  • System requirements Apple iPhone with iOS 14.0 or higher System requirements Android smart phone with Android 10.0 or higher Mobile devices and GROHE Watersystems App*** are not included in delivery and have to be ordered separately via an authorised Apple store/store/iTunes or Google Play store.* The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Grohe AG is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.** Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Apple is not responsible for the function of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.*** Available for free via iTunes app or Google Play store.
  • This product includes an article which is declarated as a hazardous substance. Find more information in the safety data sheet. You can download the safety data at:
  • kitchen edition
Pos.-nr. Prod. description Order-nr.
Optional accessories
1 Ručica 46957KS0
2 Poklopac 46581KS0
3 Prsten armature 07419000
4 Mešač 46580000
5 Mlaznica na izvlačenje 48427KS0
5.1 Perlator 48379KS0
6 Operating unit 46958KS0
7 Hose for pull-out shower 48378000
8 Filter za nečistoću 47576000
9 Cevna spojnica za brzo postavljanje spajanje 46315000
10 Cooler 40711001
11 Glava filtera 48344000
12 Filter S-Size 40404001
13 Starter kit 425 g CO₂ bottles (4 pieces) 40422000
14 Stakleni bokal 40405000*
15 Aktivni karbonski filter 40547001*
16 UltraSafe filter 40575001*
17 Magnesium+ filter 40691001*
18 Mešač za prečišćavanje 40434001*
19 Cleaning cartridge adapter 40694000*
20 Produžni set 40843000*

Products and accessories for the installation

Kako god da zamišljate osveženje vodom - filtrirana, ohlađena, negazirana ili gazirana - GROHE Blue sustavi za vodu daju vam izbor pritiskom dugmeta.

S inovativnim GROHE Red sustavom možete dobiti vruću vodu direktno i sigurno iz baterije.

Posetite GROHE stranicu sustava za vodu